The Platform
A Holistic Approach to Reversing the Planetary Crisis
At Guardians of Earth (GoE), we address the urgent collapse of Earth's ecosystems, driven by the potential extinction of over one million species. Recognizing a cultural disconnect from nature's value, we advocate for innovative solutions that foster deeper custodial relationships and integrate technology, community engagement, economics, and traditional knowledge to promote environmental sustainability.
Here's the core elements of the GoE platform that together are bringing environmental regeneration back to the heart of our social and economic life:
BioCultural Units (BCUs) - a financial metric that accounts for the re-connection of people to their unique local environments - what we call “Nature Realms.” Each BioCultural Unit supports the work of verified stewards of nature restoration. The Unit aligns with SDGs, GRI and TNFD frameworks for cultural preservation, community empowerment, biodiversity enhancement, education and awareness.
Nature Realms - digital representations of locations around the world where communities are engaging in nature restoration.
Oracle of Life - a blind-peer review, reputation-based system for validating, enhancing and ground-truthing nature monitoring data and knowledge. Participants receive BioCoin for demonstrating knowledge. Ten percent of BioCultural Unit sales go toward the BioCoin pool. BioCoin can also be used to pay for Nature Realm subscriptions and to purchase Songs.
BioScore - an index that measures the biocultural health of a particular Nature Realm. One thousand BioScore equals 1 BioCultural Unit. The BioScore is a composite score that measures the following aspects of a Realm relative to region surrounding it, as well as globally: - Community involvement - Species diversity (General plus Shannon Index) - Data quality - Data quantity - Recorded stories (weighted toward ancestral knowledge) - Habitat quality
Stories and Songs - digital representations of art, culture, science, knowledge, anything associated with biocultural health. Community members amplify or soften stories using songs, a unique voting system that encourages inclusiveness, diversity, ancestral connection to a location, and verified expertise over populism.
Games - the fun part! With all this information represented in a Nature Realm, we're able to develop games that get people outdoors, discovering, learning about, becoming custodians of (taking financial stakes in!), and ultimately raising the BioScores for their local habitats. All data generated through the platform is owned by its individual creators, as well as the Nature Realm to which they're associated.
Taken together, the Guardians of Earth platform provides accessible, transparent data on land health verified by community custodians, offering reliable advice and financial incentives for land restoration efforts. This fosters a "nature economy" where businesses invest in Nature Realms and community custodians are rewarded for land healing activities, aiming to reverse the biodiversity crisis within five years with over 100 million custodians across 1 million locations.
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