The Stories

Sharing nature stories helps us connect with the world around us, contribute to the biocultural health of our planet, and engage with others who care about our ecosystems.

Anyone can add a story to the planet - either to the "Whole Earth" or to a specific Nature Realm. You can add an original story ("upload") or share the stories of others ("links") from anywhere on the Internet. Stories can be videos, essays, podcasts, scientific papers, images, lectures, unique observations or insights, just about digital content about anything that's connected to land or sea. Stories that belong to a Nature Realm and receive songs from the community will add BioScore to the Realm, and provide shareholding in the Realm to the people involved in the stories. Each story on Guardians of Earth can have these roles: 1. Creator All stories have a Creator. The Creator is the person or group of people who have either created an original story or recalled a story that risks being lost in time. Of course, it can be said that all stories are manifestations of the stories that proceed them. But a creator puts in effort to present something unique to their to time or place. 2. Sharer The Sharer is the person who shares a story link with Guardians of Earth. They can share "Whole Earth" stories or stories that are specific to a Nature Realm. Sharers must have a shareholding in the Realm in which they share the story. 3. Re-Sharer The Re-Sharer is the person who brings a story from one Realm into another Realm. Re-sharers must have a shareholding in the Realm in which they wish to share the story. Read about how Songs work

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